I know how difficult it has become to stay aware of all the different announcements and resources from all levels of government. My goal is for this page to be a frequently updated resource for our community. These are anxious and unsure times for us all, and I want you to know that your government has your back. Municipal, Provincial, or Federal – we are all here for you. This situation changes hourly, so I would encourage you all to check back here frequently for the latest updates or sign-up for my regular, community-focused updates right to your inbox here.
General Information
- Toronto.ca/covid19 – The City of Toronto website with all updates from your municipal government. Contains a list of all impacted City services, financial supports, statements from our Medical Officer of Health, and more.
- Ontario.ca/covid19 – Get more information on how the Ministry of Health is working to protect you. More information on how to self-isolate, what to do if you think you’re sick, and the Provincial financial supports.
- Canada.ca/covid19 – Your Federal government has taken significant steps to protect Canadians and provide financial support during this time. Please visit their website for more information on the measures that they’ve taken.
- COVID-19 Self Assessment – For anyone who thinks that they may have been infected, please use this self assessment tool. Our health services are already overwhelmed – this tool will help to filter out those who need urgent medical attention.
Supports for Individuals and Families
- Social Supports – The City is partnering with many different community organizations to provide aid to those who need it during this crisis. Please visit the website for more information on these programs.
- Economic Supports – The Mayor’s Economic Support and Recovery taskforce is working to ensure that financial aid is available. For a full list of the supports in place, check out the website.
- Income Support – Many Canadians have had their livelihoods impacted by COVID-19. Find more information on the income support offered on this page.
- Supports for Seniors and Vulnerable People – Seniors and vulnerable populations have been heavily impacted by COVID-19 and need support. Find more information on what programs are available here.
- Tenants and Property Owners – For more information on the programs and support available to tenants or property owners, please click here.
- Job Protection During COVID-19 – The Provincial government is working to protect the jobs of those who can’t work during this crisis.
- Financial Help for Basic Needs – If you need help paying for housing or food and aren’t already receiving social assistance, please click here.
- Renting Changes During COVID19 – For more information on the temporary changes to renting during the pandemic, click here!
- Supports for Children and Youth – Families with children are heavily impacted by the pandemic. Learn more about the supports available to your family here.
- Emergency Shelters and Other Support Services – If you are not safe in your current environment, please see this page for information on protecting yourself or your family.
- Extensions on Validations and Deadlines – Renewals for drivers licenses and health cards, as well as OSAP payments, have been postponed. Learn more here!
- Mental Health, Wellness, and Addiction Support – This is an incredibly tough time for us all, more so for those struggling with their mental health. If you or someone you know is hurting, please visit this page.
- Support for Seniors and People with Disabilities – Vulnerable populations have been hit incredibly hard by the virus. Find more information on how the Province is supporting them here.
- Canada Emergency Response Benefit – The CERB will provide $500 weekly for 16 weeks to Canadians that are unable to work as a result of the pandemic. Click here for more information.
- Flexibility for Taxpayers – The Canada Revenue Agency will allow the deferral of tax payments to assist Canadians.
- Canada’s Economic Response Plan – This page is the one-stop-shop for information on all Federal programs providing support to individuals and families.
Supports for Businesses
- Economic Support and Recovery for Businesses – I’ll be working with the Mayor’s taskforce and businesses around the City to identify how we can best provide financial support through this situation.
- Bills & Tax Relief for Businesses – Many bill and tax payments have been deferred as a result of the pandemic. Find more info on those here.
- Credit, Mortgage and Banking Support for Businesses – More information on supports offered by banks for credit and mortgages.
- Employee Wage Support – More information on the wage support programs offered across all levels of government.
- BusinessTO Support Centre – Businesses can sign up for 1-on-1 sessions with advisers for general business advice or help signing up for government programs.
- Ontario Together – The Provincial government is calling on any businesses who can help to provide emergency supplies to contact them.
- Financial Relief – Find more information on deferred payments and financial supports available to businesses here.
- Tax Relief – Learn more about what tax assistance the Provincial government is providing.
- Guidance for Employers – Ensuring workplaces remain safe is paramount as we plan to reopen businesses. Find more information on how you can keep your workplace safe here.
- Supports for Businesses – A full list of all the Federal programs that are providing financial support to Canadian businesses.
- Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance – If you’re a commercial property owner, please see here for more information about applying for the CECRA.
- Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy – Business owners impacted by COVID19 are eligible for a subsidy of 75% of employee wages for up to 12 weeks. More info here!
- The Canada Account – Our Federal Minister of Finance is exploring how we can use the Canada Account to support businesses during this unprecedented emergency.
- Helping Businesses Keep Their Employees – A wage subsidy up to 75% of payroll has been announced to help provide some stability.
- Flexibility for Businesses Filing Taxes – The date for filing commercial taxes has been deferred until the end of August.
- Supporting Market Liquidity – An Insured Mortgage Purchase Program (IMPP) is being launched to further bolster the Canadian economy.
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