We all need to be able to get to and from work or school safely. I firmly believe that the topic of road safety should not be political and redesigning our streets to save lives should not be left to debate.
Having knocked on tens of thousands of doors during the campaign, I know how controversial the traffic is on Woodbine – especially with the new bike lanes. In particular I’ve heard that there was a lack of consultation when the bike lanes were first implemented and this has understandably left many feeling unheard.
That’s why this May, we held an information session so residents could voice their concerns and offer solutions to improve traffic on Woodbine. This information session led to a lot of constructive feedback that we are now bringing to Transportation Services so we can implement your ideas to improve safety on our streets.
As we move forward, I will continue to rely on your input to improve traffic and pedestrian safety in the neighbourhoods. If you know of areas where our streets can be safer, please reach out to my office at [email protected]