E-News: November 9, 2024

ByBrad Bradford

Hi Friend,

Monday is Remembrance Day. This is an important time to gather and reflect on the sacrifice and contribution of our veterans and active service members. I look forward to seeing many neighbours at the Kew Gardens ceremony at 11am, or at our community’s other Legions over the course of the day. There will also be an 11am ceremony at the East York Civic Centre.

Before sharing some community highlights from the past two weeks, I want to invite you to two important community events coming up. 

1) 996 Woodbine Open House

As you may have heard, 2-Spirits – a non-profit, Toronto-based organization focused on supporting First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, and who have an office at 2126 Danforth Ave just east of Woodbine – are proposing to build and operate a shelter for 2SLGBTQ+ Indigenous people at 996 Woodbine Avenue, a city-owned property right next to Woodbine Station.

Many in the community first heard of this proposed project through an application from 2-Spirits to the Committee of Adjustment. While there were many expressions of support, others raised questions or concerns and were seeking more information about the proposal. 2-Spirits chose to defer their application to provide additional time for discussions with the community.

This is why I am grateful that 2-Spirits will be hosting an open house to provide community members with an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the proposed project. I hope to see you there. 

  • Where: Legion Branch 22, 1240 Woodbine Ave
  • When: 5 – 7 pm on Tuesday, November 12th, 2024

2) O’Connor / Topham Park 

As part of the City’s ongoing Basement Flooding Protection Program (BFPP) in the O’Connor Drive area, the final phase of this project is scheduled to begin in Spring 2025. This phase will include upgrades to storm and sanitary sewers on St. Clair Avenue East and streets in the Topham Park neighborhood. 

I know that many of you have experienced challenges during the first phase of this project along O’Connor Drive. I want to assure you that I have heard your concerns, and I want your feedback to inform how and when this final phase proceeds. I am committed to working with you to ensure staff do better and minimize the impact on our community. 

To discuss the project and gather your valuable feedback, we will be hosting a community meeting. City staff will be leading this meeting, and listening to the impacts experienced by residents and business owners to ensure this final phase goes smoothly.

  • Date: November 21st 2024
  • Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
  • Location: O’Connor Public School Gymnasium, 1665 O’Connor Drive

Moving on to some recent exciting news, the new playground at Bob Acton Park is officially open!

I want to express a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came share with us that special day and to the Park staff for your hard work on this project. I hope all the kids and families in the neighborhood enjoy this fantastic new space.

This week also marks the beginning of Holocaust Education Week here in Toronto.

I had the honour of touring the Toronto Holocaust Museum, and hearing the stories of many of the survivors who came to Canada after the war. As we see the rise of antisemitism taking place in our city, it’s now more important than ever to remember the lessons of the Holocaust.

Finally, we wrapped up the Halloween season with an amazing time!

A huge shoutout to my incredible staff who went all-in by dressing up as the iconic City of Toronto raccoons. Their creativity helped our office snag the Best Group Costume award!

Later that night, Kathryn and I had a blast taking Briar and Bronwyn trick-or-treating. It was great to chat with residents, and I want to say the sense of community here is truly incredible.

As always, I look forward to reading your feedback and seeing you around the community. 


 – Brad

In This Issue

City Hall Updates

  • BEY Missing Middle Pilot Project – 72 Amroth Avenue
  • Housing Action Plan: As-of-Right Zoning for Mid-rise Buildings on Avenues

Small Business Spotlight 

Door Poppies by Beacher Margot Rockett 🆕

Local Events 

  • Nov. 9: TODAY: Free Mini-Repair Cafe 🆕 
  • Nov. 9: TONIGHT: Parkview Hills Commnuty Fall Party
  • Nov. 11: Community Centre 55 Remembrance Day Luncheon 🆕
  • Nov. 13: “The Letters” 
  • Nov. 16: SCOC’s Fall Community Arts and Crafts and Baked Goods Sale 🆕
  • Nov. 16: Music for the Soul with Shawna Caspi 🆕
  • Nov. 17: Remembrance Day Luncheon 🆕
  • Nov. 18: Jam Nite at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave 🆕
  • Nov. 23: Beach United’s Annual Christmas Market 🆕
  • Nov. 26: Period Product Packing Party 🆕

Community Programs & Employment

  • Beaches Library November Program Calendar 🆕
  • COSTI’s New2Canada Host Program 
  • Dementia Workshop 🆕
  • Free Laundry Access
  • Leading Social Justice Collective (LSJC) 🆕
  • Men’s Free Virtual Addiction Treatment Program 
  • Queer Youth United 
  • SCHC – Fall Bereavement Support Groups 
  • Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance (SAHM) Program 
  • Tax Volunteers Needed 🆕
  • TDSB’s Learn4Life Program 🆕
  • The BikeMatchWCN Program 
  • The Neighbourhood Group – Job Assistance 
  • Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub 
  • Toronto Community Crisis Team 55 and 53-Division Expansion
  • Toronto Police Service Winter/Spring 2025
  • Toronto Public Library Pop Up Learning Labs 
  • Trades Program for Women 🆕
  • Volunteer Call-Out Meals on Wheels 
  • 311 Toronto Awareness & Usage Survey 🆕

Neighbourhood News 

  • Community Meeting: Final Phase of Basement Flooding Protection Program- Topham/St Clair Ave E 🆕
  • City of Toronto Taking Actions to Address Dangerous Dog Behaviour

Work in the Ward

  • Toronto Hydro Upgrades
  • O’Connor Drive Improvements 🆕
  • Pre-Construction Notice – Cranfield Rd. Watermain Replacement Projects 

City Wide News/Events 

  • Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra Season 
  • New Registration and Booking Account for Recreation, Parks, Museum and Cultural Spaces 
  • Service Standards and Trends in Animal-Related Service Requests 
  • Scarborough Theatre Guild: Emperor’s New Clothes 🆕
  • TTC 501 Queen Streetcar Diversion onto York, Adelaide/Richmond, and Church 🆕
  • United Way Outdoor BBQ/Movie Night Update 🆕
  • Yard Waste Collection 🆕

Thanks for taking the time to read my bi-weekly newsletter! If you have any events, news, or ideas to share for our next one – please reach out to my office. Send me an email at [email protected] and we can get you included in our next issue. 

City Hall Updates 

I’m proud of the work we did last week at the Planning and Housing Committee to increase housing options and supply across our city’s neighbourhoods. 

BEY Missing Middle Pilot Project – 72 Amroth Avenue 

First and foremost, we reached an exciting milestone on the Beaches-East York Missing Middle Pilot Project at 72 Amroth Avenue. The application was approved at Planning and Housing Committee and will advance to City Council next week. 

This project has been in the works since 2019, when Council first adopted the EHON (Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods) initiative under Mayor Tory, and I raised my hand to host a pilot project in our ward. 

Introducing new housing into neighbourhoods isn’t always easy, and it can only be successful with community buy-in. A Community Consultation Meeting was held in September, where City Planning staff had the opportunity to receive feedback from neighbours. For Amroth Avenue residents, the most prominent concern was the potential impact to street parking availability. At last week’s Community Council meeting, I moved a motion with four recommendations to address residents’ concerns and improve the parking situation on their street. 

One of the main objectives of the Pilot Project was to inform policy improvements that will make it easier to build missing middle housing in neighbourhoods across the city. In addition to creating 34 new homes during a housing crisis, lessons learned from this project will enable more missing middle housing to be built on a city-wide scale. 

Housing Action Plan: As-of-Right Zoning for Mid-rise Buildings on Avenues

As Chair of the Planning and Housing Committee, I penned the HousingTO 2020-2023 Action Plan with Mayor Tory, which outlines 54 key actions to address Toronto’s housing crisis. 

I’m excited to share that yet another action – permitting mid-rise buildings on avenues – was passed by the Planning and Housing Committee last week. The recommended changes have the potential to unlock 61,000 new housing units across the city – four times what would be achievable under existing zoning standards.

Many of our housing actions involve revisiting legacy guidelines and revising them to fit today’s context. For example, many parts of Queen Street West in the downtown core technically only permit six-storeys in the zoning-by-law, and any applicants seeking to build higher must apply for a zoning by-law amendment despite there being numerous buildings that are 20-storeys or more. Removing these legacy guidelines means more housing can be built faster as they won’t be tied up in the lengthy approvals process. 

I moved an additional motion directing staff to review guidelines in areas where we have rapid transit – including subway lines and the long-awaited Eglinton Crosstown – where we have the most demand for new housing.

Small Business Spotlight :sparkles:

This time I want to make a very special mention to Beach resident Margot Rockett, who once again is selling her popular door poppies in advance of Remembrance Day on Nov. 11.

Proceeds from the sale of the large tissue paper door poppies will go to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1/42 on Coxwell Avenue.

The cost for the door poppies is a donation to the Legion Branch Poppy Fund.

Her door poppies are being sold under licence from the Royal Canadian Legion. The Poppy Design is a trademark of the Royal Canadian Legion (Dominion Command) and is used under licence.

Proceeds go to support a number of programs aimed at helping local veterans and their families. Some of those programs supported by the Legion Poppy Fund include help for veterans facing homelessness, service dogs for those dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and donations to veteran’s homes and care facilities to name but a few.

This year, Rockett is making 500 of the door poppies. If you’d like one, please contact her as soon as possible by email at [email protected]

If you know a business you’d like to see profiled in this newsletter, reply and share your nomination! 

Local Events

TODAY! Free Mini-Repair Cafe 🆕

Repair Cafe Toronto and TCMC are organizing a free mini-repair cafe on Saturday Nov 9th from 1-4pm.

To help divert items from the landfill, and promote community building, you can bring a broken household item and learn to fit it for free. 

TONIGHT!: Parkview Hills Community Fall Party

“The Letters” 

The Beach and East Toronto Historical Society is presenting author Sheila White who will be talking about her book and her remarkable, mixed race family.

Part of our monthly Heritage talks, the event will be on Wednesday, November 13, 7-8:15 pm and held at Beaches Sandbox, 2181 Queen St. E.

More information can be found at www.tbeths.com 

SCOC’s Fall Community Arts and Crafts and Baked Goods Sale 🆕

SCOC is having a Fall Community Arts and Crafts and baked goods sale

When: Saturday, November 16th

From 10:00 to 2:00 pm

Where: 2703 St. Clair Ave. E., East York,  Ont.

Visit: http://www.scoc.ca

Music for the Soul with Shawna Caspi 🆕

Beach United will be presenting acclaimed singer-songwriter Shawna Caspi as she offers a transformative musical experience in her unique and poetic musical style. 

Saturday, Nov 16 at 4:30pm

Address: Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave


Community Centre 55 Remembrance Day Luncheon 🆕

Join Community Centre 55 for their special Remembrance Day Luncheon on November 11.

Jam Nite at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave 🆕

Bring your voice, your instrument, a song to share, and join us for a fun, relaxed jam session. All skill levels and ages are welcome – even complete beginners; all you need is enthusiasm to make music together. 

Monday, Nov 18 at 7pm

Address: Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave

More info: beachunitedchurch.com

Beach United’s Annual Christmas Market 🆕

Our annual Christmas Market will feature a variety of local artisans along with their baked goods, jams and jellies, handmade jewellery, and so much more. 

Saturday, November 23rd from 10am-3pm

Address: Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave

More info: beachunitedchurch.com

Period Product Packing Party 🆕

The Period Purse, a grassroots Toronto-based charity striving towards menstrual equity and de-stigmatizing periods through education and advocacy, is hosting a Period Product Packing Party at Community Centre 55 (97 Main St.).

The event is free! We ask that attendees please bring along a sealed pack of period products (pads or tampons) to join us in the period product packing festivities. 

More details: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/period-product-packing-party-community-centre-55-november-26-tickets-1037024968597?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

Community Programs & Employment Events

Beaches Library November Program Calendar 🆕

COSTI’s New2Canada Host Program 

For the past two years, COSTI’s Ukrainian Housing Host Program has provided Ukrainian newcomers with temporary accommodation in host homes, and it has been a resounding success, having helped 143 of families since the inception.

We are now piloting an expanded initiative—the New2Canada Host Program, supported and funded by United Way Greater Toronto. This new program aims to match skilled workers and provincial nominees with a host family for a short initial stay of a few weeks, until they find their own permanent accommodation. While New2Canada is not intended as a long-term housing solution or a means to address cost-of-living issues, it is designed to offer a warm welcome and a smooth transition for newcomers arriving in Toronto.

Dementia Workshop 🆕

This workshop will provide care partners, members of the general public, or professionals with an overview of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

It will focus on being aware of the signs and symptoms and the importance of early diagnosis.

Monday December 16, 2024 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Walter Stewart Library, Meeting Room – 170 Memorial Park Ave. 

Register in branch or by calling 416-396-3975.

Free Laundry Access 

Wishy Washy Laundromat hosts monthly Free Laundry events for anyone who is financially struggling.

We are fully funded by Sunlight Canada/Henkel.

Leading Social Justice Collective (LSJC) 🆕

Applications are now open for the 2025 cohort of the Leading Social Justice Collective (LSJC), a development opportunity for emerging leaders from the public, private, and community sectors who wish to tackle systemic social justice issues in the GTA.

LSJC is offered in partnership between United Way Greater Toronto and the University of Toronto’s School of Cities through a series of dynamic online seminars and coaching sessions from April 5 to June 12, 2025.

The program is free, and participants will work together in teams on social justice challenges they have identified in their communities and organizations. Past cohorts have tackled such critical issues as health equity, gun violence, and homelessness.

Applications for the 2025 cohort are due by December 13th.

Visit the program website here.

Men’s Free Virtual Addiction Treatment Program 

This is a 10-week virtual community treatment program for men 18+ struggling with addiction and or concurrent disorders. The program includes process groups and lessons about relapse prevention, life skills and more. We meet virtually on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:30-12:30 and all we ask is that all participants are absent from using alcohol or drugs during the program.

Queer Youth United  

Queer Youth United (QYU) at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave. every Tuesday from 4-7pm.

QYU is is a 2SLGBTQ+ youth group for ages 15-29, where you can come and engage with others in a safe space within the community, while sharing meals, finding support and resources. 

You are welcome to drop-by at any time during the 4pm-7pm time period!

For more info: instagram.com/QueerYouthUnited or beachunitedchurch.com

SCHC – Fall Bereavement Support Groups 

Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities is a not-for-profit organization that provides a variety of holistic programs to support the health and well-being of the community. One of the programs offered is the Bereavement Peer – Support Groups. They provide several different types of virtual and in-person options. 

For more information, please visit: SCHC – Bereavement Care.

Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance (SAHM) Program

The Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance (SAHM) program has been organized to support the seniors community with services ranging from garden and yard work to light housekeeping. 

If you or anyone you know is looking for more assistance around their home, contact Kevin at 416-531-8447 or email [email protected] for more information.

Tax Volunteers Needed 🆕

WoodGreen’s free tax clinic supports thousands of low-income community members each year to file their tax returns and get access to important credits and benefits.

They have urgent need for committed volunteers to file tax returns either in-person or over-the-phone.

If you have professional financial skills or just experience filing your own tax return, please consider volunteering your time with this effort. 

See the WoodGreen volunteer webpage to apply. 

TDSB’s Learn4Life Program 🆕

Looking for something fun to do this fall? The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) offers a wide range of Adult General Interest and Seniors Daytime classes through the Learn4Life program.

These classes provide an excellent opportunity to learn new skills, stay active, and connect with others in your community.

Led by expert instructors, Learn4Life offers courses in Arts, Business, Computers, Cooking, Crafts, Dance, Finance, Fitness, Languages, Music, Sports, Sewing, and much more!

Registration opens on November 13th.

Visit learn4life.ca to learn more.

The BikeMatchWCN Program

The BikeMatchWCN program provides bikes to families from all over the city. Now in its fourth year, this program has provided more than 350 people with a bike to ride. Yet, the need continues to grow. There are more than 500 people registered to receive a bike from toddlers to adults and all sizes in between. In collaboration with the WCN, Access Alliance will continue organizing bicycle giveaways as a way to recycle and repurpose donated bicycles and further remove barriers to cycling in our city.

To register for the giveaway program, we ask our community members to visit this link and register to choose from available bikes matching their criteria and time and date for pick up. https://bikematchwcn.com/


We accept donations of bicycles, bike parts, accessories, and tools at our AccessPoint on Danforth location, and Lawrence-Orton location. Below you can find the address and hours of each location. The most needed bike sizes are adult medium, small and extra small.

AccessPoint on Danforth (3079 Danforth Ave. M1L 1A8. Entrance on Thora Ave.)

Sunday: CLOSED

Monday: 9:30am to 4:30pm

Tuesday: 9:30am to 4:30pm

Wednesday: 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Thursday: 9:30am to 4:30pm

Saturday: CLOSED

Lawrence-Orton (3939 Lawrence Ave E. M1G 1R9. Building 1. Enter via North side door.)

Sunday: CLOSED

Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday: 2:00pm to 6:00pm

Wednesday: CLOSED

Thursday: CLOSED

Friday: 11:00am to 4:00pm

Saturday: CLOSED

*We kindly ask that donations not be left outside of our hubs, as scrap metal recyclers may pick it up before us.

The Neighbourhood Group – Job Assistance 

The Neighbourhood Group is offering FREE Employment Services to help you prepare for and find work. Whether you’re out of school and looking for a job, new to Canada and want your first Canadian work experience, looking to change your career, or trying to get back into the workforce, they have various training programs, work placements, workshopsonline job board, and resource centres.

For more information, visit The Neighbourhood Group.

Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub 

We’re thrilled to share that in-person services are available at the Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub, a new welcoming space at East York Town Centre that provides health, wellness, employment and other services for youth and young adults! To access services, come by the Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub during its drop-in hours: Monday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

It is located at East York Town Centre, 45 Overlea Blvd. (Please use mall Entrance 6; the Youth Wellness Hub is located beside Dollarama). All services are free and open to everyone aged 12 to 25. Youth and young adults do not need a health card, family doctor or medical referral. Services include wellness counselling, peer support, employment services, settlement services, food support, primary care and more. No matter what you might be dealing with, their team can help.

For more information, please visit Thorncliffe Youth Club or follow them on Instagram @ThorncliffeYouthHub.

Toronto Community Crisis Team 55 and 53-Division Expansion 

The Toronto Community Crisis Team has expanded city-wide to include 55 and 53 Divisions.

Operated in partnership with the Gerstein Crisis Centre, the team will act as first responders to community members witnessing or experiencing a crisis situation.

This is a community led response alternate to policing or medical models which was voted on unanimously by City Council.

The team can be accessed 24/7 by calling 211. More information can be found by going to https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/public-safety-alerts/community-safety-programs/toronto-community-crisis-service 

This community-based, trauma-informed, accessible and equity-focused approach staffed by qualified crisis workers provides an opportunity for a health and social response instead of a justice/police response to mental health and substance use crises in our communities. 

Trades Program for Women 🆕

An exciting opportunity for women interested in starting a career in the trades!

The CNC/Precision Machining Skills Training Program offers hands-on training and paid placements to help women build valuable skills.

Apply here:

Volunteer Call-Out Meals on Wheels 

Help address food insecurity in your community and volunteer to support your neighbours! WoodGreen Meals on Wheels is currently looking for Volunteer Delivery Drivers to help us deliver hot meals to homebound seniors and adults living with disabilities in the East End. Learn more and sign up here.

311 Toronto Awareness & Usage Survey 🆕

311 Toronto is committed to improving our services to better serve you. As a part of our ongoing efforts, we are conducting a survey to understand your awareness and usage of 311 Toronto services. Your feedback will help us ensure 311 Toronto continues to meet the needs of our communities. We welcome responses from anyone 16 years of age and older.

The survey will take approximately 5 -10 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain anonymous.

The 311 Awareness and Usage Survey launched on Monday, November 4th and it will close on December 4th. 

Link to the survey: https://cotsurvey.chkmkt.com/311AwarenessUsageSurvey 

Neighbourhood News

Community Meeting: Final Phase of Basement Flooding Protection Program- Topham/St Clair Ave E 🆕

As part of the City’s ongoing Basement Flooding Protection Program (BFPP) in the O’Connor Drive area, the final phase of this project is scheduled to begin in Spring 2025. This phase will include important upgrades to storm and sanitary sewers on St. Clair Avenue East and streets in the Topham Park neighborhood. Additionally, the contractor will be replacing a watermain, implementing intersection safety improvements along Westview Boulevard, and installing a rain garden in the median of Valor Boulevard.

I know that many of you have experienced challenges during the first phase of this project along O’Connor Drive. I want to assure you that I have heard your concerns, and I want your feedback to inform how and when this final phase proceeds. I am committed to working with you to ensure staff do better and minimize the impact on our community. 

City staff will be leading this meeting, and listening to the impacts experienced by residents and business owners to ensure this final phase goes smoothly.

To discuss the project and gather your valuable feedback, we will be hosting a community meeting:

Date: November 21st 2024
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: O’Connor Public School Gymnasium, 1665 O’Connor Drive

I encourage all residents to attend, share your experiences, and provide input on how we can better manage this construction to address community concerns. Your feedback is essential to ensuring that the City and its contractors deliver this infrastructure upgrade as smoothly as possible.

City of Toronto Taking Actions to Address Dangerous Dog Behaviour

As directed by Toronto City Council, the City is visiting owners of all dogs who have received a dangerous dog order. Staff are delivering a new standardized sign for owners of these dangerous dogs, which must be visibly posted on their property. Staff will also remind owners of the requirements of their dangerous dog order. Following these proactive visits, staff will continue to conduct regular compliance checks and respond to complaints to ensure compliance.

The City has also posted a public list of dangerous dogs that includes the first three digits of the postal code for the dog owner, ward number, the dog’s name, breed and colour, and the date of the dangerous act at: toronto.ca/DangerousDogs.

Most dog attacks can be prevented if dogs are kept on a leash. Residents are reminded that it is a bylaw requirement for all dog owners to keep their dogs on leashes when out in public (except when in designated dogs off-leash areas). The most impactful action owners can undertake is prevention. If residents observe a dog they believe to have a dangerous dog designation without its muzzle or in an off-leash dog park, a complaint can be made to 311 and the matter will be investigated. City of Toronto taking actions to address dangerous dog behaviour.

We understand the importance of exercise for your beloved pet. However, it is important to practice Responsible Dog Ownership and keep your dog on leash in areas that are not marked off as official dog off-leash areas. 

Please take the time to visit the following dogs off-leash areas in Beaches-East York by visiting the interactive map.

Be a good neighbour and be mindful of your surroundings! 

Work in the Ward

Toronto Hydro Notices

Check the links below for the full notices on Toronto Hydro work happening near you!

O’Connor Drive Improvements 

Construction Update

The contractor has multiple crews onsite completing the green infrastructure work, laybys, sidewalks and traffic signal activation. 

  • Green Infrastructure: concrete work is complete for all five planters
  • Three of the four laybys have been completed
  • Sidewalks continue to be poured, and should be completed next week
  • Estimated time of completion overall: End of November

Improvements Overview

For full details on the infrastructure upgrades, please visit the project website: Toronto.ca/OConnor


Max Morrison, Field Ambassador
By phone: 416-338-5497
By email: [email protected]

Visit the project webpage: toronto.ca/OConnor

Pre-Construction Notice – Cranfield Rd. Watermain Replacement Projects 

Engineering & Construction Services will be undertaking a watermain replacement project on Cranfield Road from Dohme Avenue to Waterman Avenue.

City Wide News/Events 

Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra Season 

Offering multiple concerts, the Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra Season begins this October and continues throughout December in Scarborough.

Visit: https://cathedralbluffs.com/

New Registration and Booking Account for Recreation, Parks, Museum and Cultural Spaces 

A new registration and booking account for Recreation, Parks, Museum and Cultural Spaces is coming! Check out these important dates and visit toronto.ca/OnlineReg for everything you need to know.

  • From October 26: LEARN about the new system at a Virtual Public Information Session.
  • By October 31: PREPARE for the end of eFun by saving information, making reservations and renewing memberships or purchasing multi-visit passes at your community centre.
  • November 1-5: TRANSITION period with no access to eFun. Programs operate as normal.
  • November 6: ACCESS the new system and create your new account!

Service Standards and Trends in Animal-Related Service Requests 

I’ve heard from many residents concerned about how long it is taking for dead animals to be picked up from City Streets.

While staff work to remove cadavers as soon as possible, TAS prioritizes responding to calls about sick/injured and other live animals in need of urgent care and responds to animal cadaver pick up requests the best it can with its available staff resources.

I’m happy to report that my motion to reinstate the 48-hour service standard for removing deceased animals was approved. More details on how city staff will improve the service for next year will come forward as part of the 2025 Budget process.

For more information, please see this Toronto Star article about my motion and why the City needs to focus on improving basic services.

Scarborough Theatre Guild: Emperor’s New Clothes 🆕

This pantomime is the age-old story of the emperor who gets taken in by a fraudster who sells him a set of clothes that can “only be seen by those who are of high worth and intelligence”. Add in a hero who has a change of heart in order to win the girl of his dreams, a villain and his two imbecilic side-kicks, and of course, the pantomime horse and all the makings are there for a fun time. Cheer the hero, boo the villain, HAVE FUN!  

Rating and Content Warnings

 Recommended for all ages

Show Times

December 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19 and 20, 2024 at 8pm 

December 8, 15 and 21, 2024 at 2pm 

Join us for a Wine and Cheese reception after the December 6th performance. 

Ticket prices 

Regular Tickets – $28

Under 30 / 60 and Over – $26

Group Rate Ticket – $24

Get your tickets here. 

TTC 501 Queen Streetcar Diversion onto York, Adelaide/Richmond, and Church 🆕

With the completion of track and overhead work on Adelaide, Richmond and York streets, the TTC will improve 501 Queen streetcar service between Neville Park and South Etobicoke starting this Sunday, Nov. 10.

For more details on these changes, visit https://www.ttc.ca/service-advisories/Service-Changes/501-301-Routing-change

Information about the Ontario Line is available at Metrolinx.com/OntarioLine 

United Way Outdoor BBQ/Movie Night Update 🆕

Thanks to everyone who joined our Outdoor BBQ/Movie Night in support of the United Way on October 26! The BBQ was hosted by Toronto Parking Authority and TCEU Local 416 at Car Park 194. It was a beautiful afternoon near Woodbine Beach and great to see the strong turnout. 

Attendees of all ages enjoyed great bbq grub, games and prizes. Combined efforts raised almost $5,000 in funds for the United Way!

Looking forward to the next!

Yard Waste Collection 🆕

It’s Fall Yard Waste Season!

The City of Toronto collects yard waste on garbage day from mid-March to mid-December and allows the City to divert approximately 90,000 tonnes of yard waste away from landfill each year.

To help make yard waste collection safe and efficient, there are requirements for what types of containers can be used to set out your yard waste and what size and how heavy they can be. Paper yard waste bags are the preferred method for yard waste disposal, but rigid open-top containers that meet size requirements and are not overfilled are also accepted.  Each household will also be receiving a Waste Management Guide, which will be mailed beginning in late November. Please check the last page of your latest utility bill for your 2025 collection schedule. If you do not receive utility bills to your home or are not scheduled to receive your utility bill by the end of the year, your schedule is being mailed to you separately. All residents should have received their collection schedules by the end of December. 

For more information, visit toronto.ca/YardWaste.