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Danforth Corridor Study Launch!

Yesterday was the public launch of the Danforth Corridor Study, in which we'll be mapping out the future of one of Toronto's most iconic streets. The study will be focusing on three areas; complete streets, vibrant retail & good planning. We...

Crescent Town Bridge Update - November...

Late last year, the Crescent Town Bridge partially collapsed. Thankfully there were no pedestrians around the bridge at the time and there were no injuries as a result. On November 19th from 6:30 - 8:30pm, join us at the Crescent Town ES -...

Improving Accountability and...

In April, I asked the City to look at posting transcripts of Council Meetings to improve our accountability and transparency. I'm very disappointed to hear that we won't be moving forward with the idea despite world-class cities like Los Angeles...

Subway Wheel Flats - Community Update

The TTC detected an increase in wheel flats on subway vehicles operating on Line 2 (Bloor – Danforth) in October of 2018. They are created when the wheels are moving but not rotating (e.g. emergency braking or loss of traction). These flats...

Road Safety: Progress Update

Back to school brings mixed emotions. On the morning of a new Council year, I’m thinking about my priorities for the year ahead. Road safety is top of mind. Our Beaches-East York community showed its passion for making community-led change,...

Road Safety - How to get Involved

Road safety is my top local priority for Beaches-East York. There are lots of ways you can get involved and support local road safety initiatives. The City of Toronto offers various solutions to calm traffic and increase pedestrian safety on...

Major Road Closures - Queen St E and...

Starting Saturday September 7th, there will be a number of full road closures around the Queen St E and Kingston Rd intersection (see map). Closures will last approximately 7 weeks. Some partial closures (lane reductions) will also be in effect...

Danforth Garage / Coxwell Barns Approval

The Danforth Garage reached another milestone at City Council this week. This exciting project offers real economic opportunities to our community and city-wide significance, similar to that of the Distillery District and Wychwood Barns. The...

Woodbine Bike Lanes

We all need to be able to get to and from work or school safely. I firmly believe that the topic of road safety should not be political and redesigning our streets to save lives should not be left to debate. Having knocked on tens of thousands...

Community meetings have inspired number...

Hi Neighbours! With my first few months as councillor wrapping up, I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few thoughts and invite you to join the many productive conversations happening all over Beaches-East York to make our...

Toronto’s planning needs less...

When I saw Doug Ford’s new planning legislation my first thought was “wow, I can’t believe we’re up to Bill 108 already.” We all know planning in Toronto can be improved. Having worked in the City Planning...