Road safety is my top local priority for Beaches-East York. There are lots of ways you can get involved and support local road safety initiatives.
The City of Toronto offers various solutions to calm traffic and increase pedestrian safety on our local roads. As we work towards our Vision Zero goal of eliminating all road fatalities, Toronto is offering the following programs for local roads.
1) Watch Your Speed Signs
These large signs are installed against an existing hydro poles or streetlights to show motorists the speed that their vehicle is traveling while encouraging them to slow down. You can request one of these signs using the following link: https://secure.toronto.ca/webapps/watchyourspeed/
2) Traffic Controls (stop signs, lights, Pedestrian Crossings)
You can contact 311 or submit petitions through our office to initiate an investigation into a new traffic control signal. Through this investigation staff will look at traffic volumes, road widths, and pedestrian activity to see if new traffic control signals are warranted. If it’s determined that a new traffic signal is warranted, it will require council approval for implementation.
3) Additional Parking
One of the most effective ways to slow drivers down is to introduce parking on both sides of the street. In order to do so, a petition with a majority of households in the affected area is required. For more information please contact our office at [email protected].
4) Speed humps
Speed humps are considered a major traffic calming measure. You can contact 311 to submit a service request for traffic calming measures on roads or laneways. There are several steps before implementation. Some of these steps include starting a petition, conducting a traffic study and consulting with TTC staff and emergency services. If you’d like more information please reach out to our office by emailing [email protected].
5) Slow Down Signs
You can contact my office at [email protected] if you’re interested in having your own “Slow Down” sign for your front yard. You might have seen these dotted around the City and they can be a simple reminder to people passing through your street to watch their speed. The signs also went through a redesign in 2019.