Throughout this global pandemic I’ve had countless residents reach out offering their help. Seeing the community come together to support each other through this has been inspiring. I will be keep updating this page with community organizations offering and looking for support during these trying times. If you know of an organization that is not listed here – please reach out to me! You can email me at [email protected]. ‘
Organizations with a local footprint looking for your support:
- The Daily Bread Food Bank
- Grant AME Church
- Grace Pascoe Care Centre
- South Riverdale Community Health Centre
- Neighbourhood Link – Meals on Wheels for Seniors
- Digital Mental Wellness Support Groups
- Michael Garron Hospital – Personal Protective Equipment Drive
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto
- Operation Ramzieh – Food kits for those that can’t leave their home
- Unified We Grow – Getting food to those who need it
- Neighbourhood Helper – Support for vulnerable groups
- Teesdale Foodbank – 2pm every Tuesday at 40 Teesdale Place
- St Francis Table (Parkdale) is looking for food, donations, and volunteer help.
Organizations looking for and coordinating volunteers where you can give your time and support:
- The Danny BIA and Beach Village BIA have listings of local businesses still open. If you’re able – please support our local businesses.
- Volunteer Toronto is posting COVID-specific opportunities on their website. You can search for different volunteer opportunities ranging from hotlines to call isolated individuals to driver programs for food delivery efforts.
- Distantly.ca is a new, free tool where you can directly support your favourite local businesses – from a safe distance. All businesses can sign up, with no cost, to be listed on the site. Residents can then make direct donations to help with the expenses that remain while revenues have dried up.
- Kids Help Phone is looking for volunteers to help with an increase in demand on their helpline with schools closed and families practising physical distancing.
- MyShoperon is connecting neighbours who are looking to support each other with grocery pick-up and drop-off services.
- Canada Sews – Ontario is a Facebook group for individuals looking to sew masks in the effort to develop more personal protective equipment.
- StayHomeToronto is listing Toronto small businesses staying open with online services while we practice physical distancing. You can help them update their listings and spread the world to your local stores.
- RallyforRestaurants is compiling local restaurants open through pandemic. Be sure to share with any restaurants you know who are open for delivery or pick-up and are not listed.
- To Go Toronto is Tourism Toronto’s database for restaurants offering take out and/or delivery through the pandemic.
I am sharing regular updates on opportunities like this to community members who have registered on my volunteer list sign-up. Feel free to add your name here.
The City is also looking for any restaurants providing delivery/take-out service to consider donating any unsold, good products to FoodRescue.